Friday, March 11, 2011

For all of you remixers out there, check out this site:

This site serves as a hub for musical collaboration. It launched a little over a year ago as a site where Tommy Lee (Motley Crue/Methods of Mayhem) uploaded the multitracks for songs that were to be included on his upcoming Methods of Mayhem record. The point being for fans and musicians to download the multitracks, create their own musical parts to fit into the songs and submit them back to the site. Submissions were reviewed by Lee, and his producer Scott Humphrey, for inclusion on the final album. The results materialized with Methods of Mayhem’s “A Public Disservice Announcement” which featured submitted parts from around the globe.

While the musicians whose parts were included on the album were not financially compensated, they did receive credit on the album (as well as prizes like guitars and recording equipment). Interestingly enough though the most current project on is offering musicians a chance to make money by contributing parts which will then attempt to license for commercials. It will be interesting to see what other projects materialize out of this site.

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