Sunday, March 6, 2011

Duck Sauce and Remix is a website where you can (with a three syllable statement) make your own version of the popular Duck Sauce 'Barbra Striesand' Song.

I made one here, check it out.

Sites like this let you make your own remix with minimal effort: opening up the accessibility of remix to anyone. Also making mornings sound so much cooler.


  1. This is so neat! I find it great that there are websites such as this that allow individuals to make their own remixes out of existing remixes. Perhaps this is to a very basic extreme (as it is only adding in your own word into a song of primarily background club music), however the concept of it is interesting. Going along with the ideas of Jenkins and other scholars we've looked at, encouraging consumers to become producers gives them a chance to construct their own meaning and project their own perspectives about certain things. Like I said, remixing the Duck Sauce song is able to make a basic comment about this type of music for example, however more complex remixes are able to offer the consumer a bit more freedom of expression.

  2. Wow, this is amazing! I love sites that let you interact with the actual content and make your own product to share. What a really fun example of remix.

    What makes this really successful is because the song is actually so simple and so well known now that interchanging the words is a fun way of making it "less boring" and putting a personal spin on it.

  3. This is so cool! I find it interesting that something this simple can be so incredibly entertaining, kind of makes you feel like your own DJ or artists in a sense. Something quite similar to this is Apple iPhone's app "LaDiDa" Its a creative, fun way of making or "remaking" music that is your own but using provided methods to do so.

    Here is a video that explains and demonstrates how this app works. If I had a iPhone, I would be all over that.... Maybe its a good thing that I dont.
