Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sing a song, tell a story.

Here is an example of a remix that has combined words and songs to create a story. It's actually quite a funny little combination. I think that it is very creative that someone was able to make this up as well as they did. This is an example of storytelling remix and it was touched on earlier in the term, like when we took a set of ten individual words and put them together to make a sentence. As a result the two different groups were able to create two different sentences with different meanings. It would be the same case for this artist/author as they would be able to tell multiple different stories depending on the order of the song lyrics that they used.


  1. Well, not only was the video extremely entertaining, but I think it also makes a very valid point: All mainstream songs seem to be recycled material. This falls in line with Adorno and Horkheimer's theory about the culture industry and how when it comes to popular music, we are getting recycled songs more and more often. Because we have already told the creators what we want, they keep redesigning it for us, therefore getting the most profit from it. This video was amusing because it shows how using a basic plot, lyrics from all of the charted songs can be linked together, they are essentially referring to the same thing. It was hilarious though, I wonder if they made this connection as well.

  2. I think this video also illustrates how the success of a remix often depends on how quickly the remixing is being done, as the video takes moments from a large variety of songs and puts them together in an entertaining and amusing narrative. It actually reminded me of our remix essays, which relied on our ability to remix quickly and often to produce a new argument that was not previously evident in the sources we used. The more often you remixed a different source, the more original and new the remix seemed. The use of music to narrate everyday life in the video also reminds me of the television show Glee, which uses music and lyrics to narrate the lives of students at McKinley High. However, this video is a more successful and visible remix of using music as a narrative than something like Glee, because Glee does not remix the songs they use very quickly or very often, and, as a result, it does even not appear to be a remix at all, unlike the video above.
