Monday, April 4, 2011

Remixed Magazine

First of all, I believe that congratulations is in order for every group… all the presentations were incredible! I was debating over what to write for my final post on our remixed magazine project, and I thought what Kevin mentioned after our presentation was quite interesting and something I hadn’t thought of prior.

The technique of physically cutting and pasting images and text was not only unique and enjoyable to utilize (cough, magazine snippings all over the library floor), but also was an interesting medium to choose given the fact that magazine creation is so digitized and manipulated. Referents, or images of Heidi Montag’s ‘enhanced’ body, Jennifer Aniston’s flawless face, even Justin Bieber’s baby cheeks, are all digitally enhanced or altered to give the appearance of beauty that many individuals strive for (well, the majority anyways). However the fact that we used a physical method of cutting and pasting raw images rather than using computer programs such as Photoshop is somewhat ironic. Although digital methods seemed to have prevailed over traditional methods of collaging with paper and glue, we wouldn’t have done it any other way!


  1. congratulations indeed :) i know we have all put in many long hours into our projects, and i think that everyone did such a great job!

  2. Indeed, I totally agree with you Lauren. The way that digital media is heading these days many without having the magazine tangible, many people may think that the magazine may have been collaged (cutting and pasting) via the computer. Our project along with the cut and paste Barbie project are "old school" nowadays.

    But congratulations to everyone on their projects! Best of luck to you all in the future!!!:)
