Monday, January 31, 2011

Race Remixed

There was a great article that I read this morning in the New York Times that I think goes along great with the Gilroy reading for this week regarding race. The article in the Times entitled "Race Remixed" discusses new senses of identity and how the United States is currently in the middle of a demographic shift. Within the first portion of the article, it is said that "many young adults of mixed backgrounds are rejecting the color lines that have defined Americans for generations in favor of a much more fluid sense of identity" which relates to what we discussed today in lecture. The modern world is considered to be western and white, so often our understanding has lead to a certain counterculture that I think is very interesting to study. It is said that most Americans consider themselves to be a single race, and even President Obama considers himself black, even though his mother was white. With the growing number of mixed-race Americans, more and more people are checking more than one box on forms such as the racial census and its causing quite a debate. You can click here to check out the article in its entirety, and is accompanied by a video along with some images and other multimedia. Enjoy!

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