Friday, April 8, 2011

The Red Tape of The Red Project

The MoMA worked with high school students in developing the Red Project. Aimed at educating people about art, artists the processes of the museum the project offers a series of online activities and videos.
            One particular aspect gives people the ability to make a collage out of a few pieces of the Museum. It gives you the opportunity to pick a picture, take samples of it and layer it on top of other ones, which have different styles, color schemes etc.
 I noticed however they are very few samples to choose from. I found it kind of boring because the choices in pictures where limited – however, if given more material I feel it could be a very interesting way to engage with Modern Art of the museum.

It describes remix as a collage. This use of remix is primarily educational. It allows students to take hands on approach to learning. The remix has been appropriated by the museum and you can save you own piece, however I wonder what kind of ownership issues are behind the scenes of the red project. From what I gathered during the Participate presentation, Museums have a lot of red tape.

The educational license may be the loop hole in the copyright agreements. However, I did not find it an effective way to engage with the art, it was merely entertaining.

Check it out for yourself.

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