Tonight, I was talking to my roommate who is in Business at Laurier and she told me about this new documentary she watched in class today.
It's called Digital Dummies and is a documentary put together by the CBC. You can read about the documentary HERE and watch the full-length video (for free!!) HERE! It runs about 45 minutes long and is very informative!
It pretty much asks whether the new technology that has evolved is a good or bad thing. Although this technology, like cell phones and laptops, helps us to become more productive, this documentary argues that this technology is proving to be more of a distraction that encourages multi-tasking.
Relating to remix culture, this documentary immediately reminded me of discussions about convergence culture. Is what Henry Jenkins talks about actually a good thing that helps consumers, by giving them more ways to express themselves? Or, is convergence culture actually proving to mute our expressions by preventing deep thinking and instead promoting fast, superficial ways of finding information?
This documentary also asks questions on how all of this new emerging technology is affecting personal relationships. The main question that Digital Dummies asks is, are actually able to manage the technology around us or is the technology overpowering us? This question is definitely something that applies to remix culture as well and needs to be considered in order to figure out whether the technology that remix culture requires is actually helping or hurting us.
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