Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Fair Play for All

After our in-depth conversation about remix and plagiarism on Monday, I found a very useful website and video that supports our discussion and final conclusions. For example, going back to the presentation on Monday and the issue of Rhianna using similar ideas and images from artist, David LaChapelle’s artwork . We questioned whether this is considered to be copying him or is it fair game because it is in a different context.

This video explains the code of best practices for online videos, the issues that it is trying to resolve while attempting to prevent further issues in copying and copyright. Watch the video to learn more about “The Code of Best Practices.” I think that this relates to everyone no matter what your copying (eg. Text, music, art etc.)

As stated in class I think it is an important issue in the online world because the internet has made it very accessible to easily copy and paste something and make in your own. Otherwise society is just going to be creating and re-creating without having anything that is new.

Any other suggestions on how to prevent people/artists from recopying art or music online?

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