Monday, January 24, 2011

Make Something Fresh, Out Of Something Stale

As we have begun to realize within lecture, the word remix has many different meanings. It is one thing to hear about it or read about it, but this is one film that goes beyond what I ever expected. Within this documentary, RIP!: A Remix Manifesto, we learn many valuable things regarding remix and copyright. We are introduced to a side of the media that not many people are comfortable discussing and are left pondering what is creativity and what is simply illegal. Taking over six years to make, the film features many remix artists ranging from Girl Talk to Gilberto Gil - each telling their own tale regarding the issues that they have had, or are continuing to have, regarding the many issues surrounding remix culture. I really don't want to give much away, because I really hope that you will take the time (totally worth it) to check it out. Personally, I thought that this documentary was very informative; I even found myself watching it a few times over. It was nominated for many awards when it was initially released back in 2009, and I highly, highly recommend watching it if you never have before. If you are interested, the link can be found below!

RIP!: A Remix Manifesto - Click Here


  1. we'll be watching this in class!

  2. Tonight I was on another blogging site, Tumblr, and I searched "remix" and "cut and paste remix" because I was really interested in the subject once we talked about it in class. As I searched, the link to this video came up and I ended up watching the whole thing and I really enjoyed it! This is definitely a really informative video and it made the issues we have talked about in class so far even clearer! Watching this film made me quite intrigued with what will be covered in future classes and makes me really want to interact with the material!

  3. I've watched this documentary in a class I had last year, and ended up using it as a major reference for a paper I wrote for a different class (a sort of remixing in itself, I'd say), I, too watched it several times in order to pull out certain quotes, etc. My favourite quote from this movie is by Greg Gillis (aka Girltalk,
    “If [medical research] were a bit more open to the point where the whole point of medicine and science was: let’s just do the best we can… let’s just build on all the ideas and see what we can make happen, I think the progress of medicine would move incredibly fast”

    He, as a medical researcher finds it important that we all feed off of each others' ideas, and if we weren't so concerned with ownership and money, we could be even further ahead in our medical research than we even are today. The importance of remix...
    Can't wait to watch it again in class.

  4. In relation to Jordans comment, if anyone else has Tumblr out there, I definitely suggest searching the term remix. So many cool things typically show up!
